Thursday, September 27, 2007

Yikes, five days!

I didn't meant to have such a gap! Mostly I was busy with school and life, to be honest. Also, I developed this schedule to ensure that both my subjects received the required amount of time but I didn't really build in a lot of "down time for internet rambling." I'm in the midst of amending the schedule. The day I had yesterday, while sticking to it, nearly killed me mentally. I was fried from all the work.

My Greek marks aren't coming up perfect this week, nearly, but not perfect. I'm a bit miffed at myself for the silly mistakes, but hopefully I can get it back on track - this weekend will involve a good chunk of studying (good thing too - the test is Thursday).

Latin, likewise, isn't doing so well this week as well. We are, however, coming up to a series of chapters that I've already covered while taking Latin II with professor #6. So at least I have a basis for what we're doing and don't have to stress about the new material as I catch up on the overlooked concepts.

Whiteout has changed since I last bought a bottle. It has a sponge applicator now. No doubt bristles cost too much on a per-bottle basis. I don't like the sponge, but I'm adapting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don't use conventional (liquid) white out, use the dry line stuff. so much better and less chemicals to get you high (if sniffing is necessary)thus better for the environment! the stuff is brilliant.
Katie 0